von Barbara | Aug. 2, 2018 | Destinations for Nomads
When I got to Budapest, it didn’t take long until I realized what a gem this city is. After staying there for a month, I understood that this is my favorite city in Europe: Great Wi-Fi, low costs of living, a perfect location to travel surrounding countries, and an...
von Barbara | Aug. 2, 2018 | Destinations for Nomads
Facts About Indonesia Indonesia has begun to emerge as an economic power in Southeast Asia, as well as a newly democratic nation. Its long history as the source of spices coveted around the world shaped Indonesia into the multi-ethnic and religiously diverse nation...
von Barbara | Aug. 2, 2018 | Digital Nomadism
So What is a Digital Nomad? The sad truth is that many people are not fulfilled with their jobs or they’re stuck in a rut. One’s income plays a small role in that problem, but also living in one location for your entire life will do that to you. And the everyday...
von Barbara | Aug. 1, 2018 | Destinations for Nomads
For me, Thailand is simply the best country for digital nomads. Why? Because for me here is the ideal relationship between all the factors I take into consideration when I choose a place: Internet, location, community, cost of living, infrastructure, Kizomba. Facts...
von Barbara | Aug. 1, 2018 | Destinations for Nomads
I had heard of many nomads who chose Ho Chi Minh City / Saigon as their base. Personally, I was a bit hesitant to go there because I’m not a big fan of big cities (except from Singapore, New York, and Rio de Janeiro). But then I saw a House Sit there and thought...
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